  Transit-Oriented Development Analysis for Sound Transit – Seattle, Washington
AREA was awarded a multi-year, indefinite quantity contract to assist Central Puget Sound Regional Transit Authority with planning for transit-oriented-development (TOD) around proposed stations and facilities.
Our initial task was to help the Authority develop policies that would ensure maximal use of real estate assets over the long term.
Having identified the "state of the art" by examining real estate planning procedures used by transit authorities across the country, we will build on the most innovative and effective approaches to help Sound Transit develop policies and procedures that meet its needs and conditions.
 Morse Avenue El Station – Chicago, Illinois
AREA participated in a study, funded by the Illinois Department of Transportation, of transportation and traffic issues in northeastern Chicago and adjacent suburbs.
In our analysis of the potential for higher-density residential development in the area around the Morse Avenue El Station, we identified appropriate parcels, assessed demand in the area, and prepared development pro formas.
Because current zoning required the inclusion of ground-floor retail uses, it was determined that higher-density residential projects would not be viable.
 Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) – Nationwide
FHWA selected the team of AREA and Dr. Daniel R. Mandelker to assist with analysis of land market and real estate development trends affecting planned transportation corridors.
Among our recommendations were alternative approaches for securing rights-of-way other than the traditional acquisition of full fee simple interest.
AREA also serves on a team providing training to FHWA staff on real estate market issues that affect right-of-way acquisitions and highway planning.
 "U" Street Station Joint-Development Feasibility Study – Washington, D.C.
On a team retained by the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority, AREA assessed the feasibility of development—by WMATA and a private developer—around the "U" Street Metro Station.
In addition to evaluating market demand for various uses, we outlined an effective development process, including the specific roles of public and private sector participants.

 Other selected analyses:
- Demand assessment for a new train terminal in downtown Chicago that would provide express service to and from O'Hare and Midway airports. The service would allow airline passengers to check in, obtain a boarding pass, and check their luggage before boarding the train.
- Station area planning services for Chicago's Regional Transit Authority. AREA's analysis of the housing and retail markets around the Maywood and Richton Park transit stations will document the potential for transit-oriented development.
- Administration of origin and destination surveys to estimate ridership on a proposed Personal Rapid Transit demonstration project to be built in one of four competing suburban Chicago communities.
- Transportation Master Plan for the City of Chicago. AREA's role on a team headed by Daniel, Mann, Johnson & Mendenhall was to analyze socioeconomic and real estate market trends that would influence long-term transportation facility requirements and, conversely, to gauge impacts of various transportation alternatives on real estate and economic development opportunities.
- Potential impacts of a proposed light-rail transit system on tourism attraction, retail sales, and office and residential development in Chicago's Central Business District. Research for this City-funded study included the use of intercept surveys.
- Strategic management plan to help the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) use its resources more efficiently. Teamed with Booz, Allen and Hamilton, AREA analyzed areawide demographic, socioeconomic, and market trends affecting both the usage of CTA facilities and services and the joint development potential of its real estate holdings.
- Planning for a multi-use development anchored by a regional intermodal transportation center in Harvey, Illinois. AREA assessed development potential for the project and prepared a preliminary development plan and pro forma analysis.
- Portfolio assessment for the Chicago Transit Authority. AREA's role in this team project was to explore the potential for private and joint development of CTA-owned land and develop procedures for property management.
- Joint development opportunities around seven proposed transit stations on Chicago's Southwest Corridor Transit Line, which connects the downtown area with Midway Airport.
- Participation on a team assisting the City of Harvey and the Regional Transportation Authority. AREA analyzed demand for retail/commercial establishments that could benefit from proximity to the Illinois Central Gulf Railroad Station and "park-n-ride" facilities in downtown Harvey, Illinois.
- Economic impact study of the Chicago airport system for Chicago's Department of Aviation (DOA). On this team effort, AREA helped National Economic Research Associates (NERA) collect data on the subregional impacts of the airport system. In another NERA study for the DOA-focused on the air cargo industry and its economic impact on Chicago's regional economy; AREA collected and analyzed economic data from over 750 air-cargo-related companies and organizations.
- Participation in an environmental impact assessment of the new Euclid Avenue Light Rail Line serving downtown Cleveland, Ohio.
- Exploration of ways in which the Chicago Regional Transit Authority can improve nonmotorized access to rail transit facilities. On a team headed by Wilbur Smith Associates, AREA conducted intercept surveys of transit riders and provided additional analysis of station-area demographics.
- Participation in an environmental impact assessment of a proposed high-speed rail (HSR) line between Chicago and St. Louis. AREA analyzed land acquisition costs, the impacts of rail crossing closings, and general economic and social impacts of the proposed HSR line.
- Preparation of several analyses of transit-oriented developments (TODs) around stations on the Green Line of Chicago's elevated transit system. AREA also conducted market analysis for a TOD at a station on a proposed circumferential commuter rail line in suburban Chicago and provided market input on the planning for TODs at two commuter rail stations in Tinley Park, one of Chicago's southern suburbs.